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On the Imminent Failure to Repeal DADT



So we should just put it down fo the record here. In 2010 when faced with the opportunity to follow all of our important allies down the road of equality, a whole bunch of conservative politicians just decided that their ethics doesn’t make room for the idea that gay and lesbian Americans are human beings whose interests should count in deliberations. They refused to articulate exactly what it is that they think gay and lesbians Americans are if not free and equal citizens of the United States. But they made it clear through their words and needs that whatever it is gay and lesbians Americans are, it’s not free and equal citizens of the country. They’re some kind of subordinate class whose interests can and should be sacrificed to the alter of political expedience or knee-jerk prejudice or something else. It’s repugnant and despicable.


We don’t know whether “don’t ask, don’t tell” will end this year or next, but we all know it will end, and gay people will be allowed to serve their country in the military, just like they do in almost every other Western nation. And when this debate is remembered, John McCain will be the symbol of fear and bigotry, abandoned by even his wife and daughter, the military’s answer to George Wallace circa 1963, a bitter old man standing in the recruiting office door, shouting, “Discrimination now, discrimination tomorrow, discrimination forever!” That will be his legacy.

I also want to know why Republicans hate the IDF.

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