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There is no bottom


One belief I have that I confess is more of a hope than anything based on currently available evidence is that, when the votes are finally cast, Trump’s increasingly blatant claims that he intends to install an authoritarian regime, along with his accelerating decompensation via the effects of aging and stress, will produce a definitive victory for Harris and the Democrats. By this I mean something like a 10-million plus margin in the popular vote, and comfortable enough margins in enough swing states that only that part of the Republican party that is enthusiastically part of the Trump cult (MTG, Boebert, Tuberville, Ron Johnson, and the many other assorted morons and their supporters among the groundlings) will scream foul play with any sense of conviction or willingness to do anything about it.

The smarter establishment types like McConnell, who in the fashion of German upper class conservatives in 1933, have just gone along for the ride, will fail to back the guaranteed attempted post-election coup, Trump will lose without much of an actual fight, and his movement will be crippled.

As I say, this is more of a hope than a sober analysis, sobriety being in increasingly short supply.

Then I see something like the flyer above and I wonder. How far have we fallen, and how much further can we fall as a nation? How is it possible that this is a close race, although one in vastly better shape for the forces of good than it was a month ago? I know the answers to these questions, but on some level I still can’t believe that what is happening is happening.

The terrible truth is that we not only need to win — we need to win by a lot, because of the absurdity of the Electoral College, the perfidy of the courts, the malignant effects of the right wing media machine, the fecklessness trending into collaboration of so much of the supposedly respectable media, the ignorance and inattention of the voters who will actually cast the decisive ballots . . . It’s a long list.

My friend Steve the meterologist:

I’d like to mail this flyer to January/February 2021 Mitch McConnell. Hey, you’re not going to believe this, but not only is he not going away, he’s going to easily win the nomination, and then do this. Also, you will endorse him. I know, crazy right? Still, maybe use your leverage right now to convict him in Impeachment II? Please?

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