Home / General / Biden ended the war in Afghanistan and grounded the drones. So why does it feel like the 3rd term of the Bush administration to allegedly objective news reporters?

Biden ended the war in Afghanistan and grounded the drones. So why does it feel like the 3rd term of the Bush administration to allegedly objective news reporters?


Look, I’m not naive enough to think that Biden was going to benefit politically or get good media coverage for ending the war in Afghanistan. But the latest iteration of judging Trump and Democratic presidents/candidates by radically different standards is a world-historic achievement in self-parody:

The crucial and dishonest move is to take an accurate statement by Biden about decisions he had control over and expand it to a much broader claim he didn’t make, and then judge him by the latter standard:

Between this and sanewashing Trump’s increasingly unhinged press conferences they’re basically propping Trump up like Weekend at Bernie’s at this point.

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