Debate Open Thread
I have no idea why any of you would watch this. At this point in history, when we already know these two men far more than we ever needed to. When we know that Donald Trump is the worst American to ever live and Joe Biden is a good man, more or less. What would someone possibly get out of this, unless they are the kind of low information morons that actually decide the election? And no LGM reader is this kind of voter. Just don’t watch.
A quick survey of the four most frequent posters on this site has discovered that not only are none of us watching it, but we are amazed that anyone would watch this garbage. I would rather watch the second round of the worst NBA draft in over a decade. In fact, I would rather be eaten by rats than watch this. I literally cannot imagine a worse waste of time. If anything happens, you can watch the highlights. In fact, this is so bad that I am actually glad my wife is making me go to her salsa dancing, which I generally regard as the worst human activity. But nope, WAY better than the debate.
But since some of you are actually addicted to political media, for which I am sad for you, here’s your open thread about the damn thing.