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I’m going to sit down with Coach and President Brandon and tell them to cut the bullshit


Apparently Kyrsten Sinema plans to spend the last year plus of her self-immolated political career in the worst Arizona Mavericky tradition:

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the Arizona independent who left the Democratic Party last year, is calling on both the Biden administration and Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., to soften their positions and find a “middle ground” to end the Republican’s monthslong blockade of hundreds of military promotions over a Pentagon policy involving abortion.

According to a recording obtained by NBC News, Sinema told a meeting of the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce last week that she has “offered” to help both sides come to a consensus.

“I know that Coach does not want to undermine the readiness of our United States military,” Sinema said, referring to the former college football coach by his preferred title. 

And after she said that, her nose actually reached the Nevada state line.

“And I know that the United States military and the administration does not want to undermine the authority and the right of any United States senator. What we need are for folks to step off a little bit from their positions and find that middle ground to solve the challenge that we’re facing.”

“I’ve volunteered to help do that,” she added. “We’ll see if they take me up on the offer.”

The thing about successful attempts to broker compromises is that they generally don’t involve just stating one side’s position — the one you obviously favor — twice.

In some ways, Sinema is the perfect person for the United States Senate, which is precisely why I’ll be so happy when she’s gone and replaced by a normie Democrat.

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