Amy Chozick Whitewashes Elizabeth Holmes (with the help of the NYT photography staff)

Yes, that Amy Chozick, the one who savaged Hillary Clinton (gift link). She assures us that she has not been taken in by that Elizabeth Holmes, the one who built a billion-dollar company on a lie. There are two Elizabeth Holmses, and this one is a diligent and kind mommy to two lovely children, whose gestations took place during her trial.
Those of us who knew anything about chemistry or biological testing thought from the start that there might just be something wrong with the claims of that college dropout who claimed to be able to test for many disorders in a single drop of blood.
But, of course, she’s a white lady from a wealthy family, not a homeless person who was strangled on the subway. Amy went with her on a nice walk in the zoo, two nice ladies together.
Elizabeth Holmes blends in with the other moms here, in a bucket hat and sunglasses, her newborn strapped to her chest and swathed in a Baby Yoda nursing blanket. We walk past a family of caged orangutans and talk about how Ms. Holmes is preparing to go to prison for one of the most notorious cases of corporate fraud in recent history.
She made mistakes! She tried to give an appearance that would get around the disbelief that women can be smart and do things! Mistakes aren’t crimes!
I mean, she’s given up that old appearance and is now totally genuine!
Photos from the Times article.