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The King of Comedy


I’m watching Donald Trump doing his improv shtick at CPAC right now — it’s on CSPAN — and if you think somebody else has a chance to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2024 I suggest you think about it again.

You can’t out-Trump Trump, and you sure as hell can’t win the Republican nomination by renouncing him.

Indicting him, should that happen, won’t make any difference.

The main theme is that corrupt anti-American prosecutors are trying to destroy him, but he’s too tough, and his supporters are too loyal, for this to work.

“If they win, we no longer have a country.”

“I am your warrior; I am your justice; and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution. I will wholly eliminate the deep state.” [Crowd goes wild].

“Joe Biden is a criminal, and nothing ever seems to happen to him.”

“I was getting calls from radical left people about what a great job we were doing, because we had the greatest economy in history. Then we had the China virus.”

OK you get the idea.

A lot of people have convinced themselves that Trump is somehow fading away, and is no longer the fundamental threat to the continuance of liberal democracy in this country.

Isn’t it pretty to think so?

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