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You’re not helping Mike. Why is that?


One of the weirder things going on in this weird little world of ours is that Mike Pence’s android replicant is acting up again, and making twitchy gestures and mouth noises about . . . running for the Republican presidential nomination:

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday that voters are “looking for new leadership” following the disappointing midterm elections for Republicans, who are now openly debating whether his onetime boss, Donald Trump, should maintain a leading role in the party.

In an interview with The Associated Press just hours after Trump announced another White House run, Pence declined to say whether he thinks the former president is fit to return to his old job. But he implicitly positioned himself as a potential alternative for Republicans seeking conservative leadership without the chaos of the Trump era.

”I think we will have better choices in 2024,” Pence said. “I’m very confident that Republican primary voters will choose wisely.” He said that he and his family will gather over the holidays “and we’ll give prayerful consideration to what our role might be in the days ahead.”

Here’s a very partial list of people who have approximately the same chance as Mike Pence of being the 2024 Republican presidential candidate:

Ozzy Osbourne

Jimmy Carter

Barbra Streisand

Leonard Nimoy


A man’s got to know his limitations, and Mike Pence is extremely poorly acquainted with his.

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