
I am sad to report that this year’s donations are…..terrible. Like significantly below what they need to be for us to keep doing what we are doing in the way we need to do it.*

I am very disappointed in all of you. What a group of terrible people. Probably too busy listening to Queen.

Look, I know what you people do. You are lawyers. LAWYERS. You suck the blood out of the American people. I completely support this so long as you give your property tithe to LGM. And yes, by this I mean 10% of your income. Many of you are doctors. A lot of you are college professors. I know damn well you can support this blog. Of that there is no question. If you are a graduate student or on a fixed income or the like, then none of this applies to you. Read for free or for whatever pennies you can give. Totally cool. But those of you who bring in six figures? I mean, come on! Connor and Maddie can miss a few SAT lessons at the age of 8 in order to support this blog. You are either taking advantage of the commitment of my fellow bloggers for free or you are barely paying anything? And what kind of a world is that?

Look, I’m not asking you to sell a kidney here, though I’m not saying not to that either. What I am asking for you to do is to either become a Patreon subscriber or to increase your monthly donation. If you are giving $20 a month, you know that you aren’t going to miss a single dime of it if you increase that to $30 or $40. Not only do we post a lot, but we provide some of the most unique content on the intertubes. The grave series is unique in the entire history of the internet and is quite probably the longest running series of history posts ever on the internet and I am not joking about that. Just for that alone, I mean come on. But even if historical discussions aren’t your bag, think of what Lemieux and Farley and Campos offer. Think of the commentary you get here. Think of the podcast and what we have done with it. Think of the rising costs of making this all work. Think of the possibility of getting new writers that increase our impact. All of this can happen but only because of you.

So add to that Patreon subscription. It really does matter. And if you are make six figures, double it. It’s the least you can do. And if you aren’t a subscriber, become one. Please.

*–Note: I have no idea if this is true. I’m in Tokyo and let’s hope asleep when this post goes live. BUT IT HAD BETTER NOT BE TRUE BECAUSE WE WILL CONTINUE FUNDRAISING INTO TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY UNLESS WE MEET OUR GOALS!!!

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