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Rick Scott to defy Mitch McConnell and promote his heinous and unpopular policy ideas


Mitch McConnell, an amoral and destructive figure but not an idiot, understands that the best chance Republicans have to maximize their midterm election results is to say as little about policy as possible and instead run on how Sleepy Joe Biden as going to have America’s elementary schoolchildren read gay critical race theory erotica. Rick Scott, conversely, wants Republicans to commit the worst act of incivility in American politics by actually telling people what their policy preferences are:

Scott is refusing to abandon an 11-point governing plan he released with little input from party leadership, even after McConnell’s public rebuke one month ago. In the weeks since, Scott has continued to promote his plan, which would raise taxes on millions of Americans who don’t earn enough to pay federal income taxes, in dozens of speeches and media appearances.

Those close to Scott suggest he understands the modern Republican Party better than McConnell and his establishment allies. And as tension lingers, Scott is leaving open the possibility of challenging McConnell for Senate majority leader should Republicans retake the Senate majority this fall, although the prospects of him waging a successful effort are slim. Most who know Scott well believe he’s more likely to seek the presidency in 2024.

It is almost impossible to overstate how insane Scott’s platform — which in addition to a huge tax increase on the working-and-lower-middle-class would sunset every federal program including Medicare and Social Security after 5 years — is. But leadership wants it suppressed not because it’s an outlier, but precisely because it reflects the views of most Republican elites, which is precisely why Republicans don’t like democracy.

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