Liveblogging the Nonsense….
Got in a bit late, just in time to see Crocker discussing how great it was for the US economy that Iraq is buying a couple US aircraft… too bad about that $12 billion/month we’re spending for that boon…
…It’s also nice to hear that the “era of US funded infrastructure projects” is over; I guess that they’re worried about the economy bit more than the “US is utterly critical” bit….
… Dude, extremist Iran-supported Shia militias have already asserted themselves.. in the Iraqi government! Christ….
…And this is why I don’t buy the idea that Cheney pushed Maliki into the offensive; its failure has created a lot of uncomfortable questions for Petraeus. Of course, they might have believed that it would work out well, so no worries…
…Did McCain just sound confused about the difference between Sunni and Shia?
…Kennedy just hit the key point; a year ago we couldn’t reduce because there was too much violence, and now we can’t reduce because there’s too little. Bush (and McCain) have the same answer no matter what…
… Stupid meeting cut short my liveblogging. And now I’m hungry, and off to lunch…