Wednesday NatSec Roundup

The defense department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid
- Acting Secretary of the Navy Modly is about to find out that there is no bottom; no matter how craven of a lickspittle you are, this President will betray you.
- Argentina has cancelled its acquisition of 10 KAI FA-50 jet fighters. Not so consequential in and of itself (although London is probably happy), but a harbinger of things to come for the defense industry…
- It’s a very big topic, but there are some interesting ruminations on German strategic thinking during World War II over at the Strategy Bridge.
- First in a series of posts at War on the Rocks about how naval and military command philosophy has changed over the centuries. Interesting in context of the recent CVN unpleasantness…
- Another interview with an Iranian F-14 pilot who made ace during the Iran-Iraq War…
- And from the same source, an interesting interview with an acquisition expert on why aircraft procurement often goes horribly wrong.