Jordan Peterson

This seems like a weird and sad story.
Jordan Peterson, 57, emerged last week from an intensive care unit in a Russian hospital after being treated for a dependence on benzodiazepine, an anti-anxiety medication.
Peterson sought alternative treatments in Russia after being repeatedly misdiagnosed in North American hospitals, including a clinic in New York, Mikhaila Peterson said in a video script she shared with Canada’s National Post newspaper.
“He nearly died several times,” the daughter said, adding her father had been taking the drug for years to treat anxiety brought on by a severe autoimmune reaction to food. Doctors increased his dosage last year to help him cope with stress after his wife, Tammy, was diagnosed with cancer.
The daughter and her husband took Peterson, a professor at the University of Toronto who has long battled depression, to Moscow last month; he was diagnosed with pneumonia and put into an induced coma for eight days, according to the National Post. She described her father’s withdrawal as “horrific.”
In the past, Peterson said he was able to beat back depression with the meat-heavy diet his daughter encouraged him to adopt. Cutting out greens altogether improved both his mental and physical health, he said in a 2018 interview.
. . . Comment from Nobdy:
I don’t believe in karma (how is it possible to these days) but Peterson appears to have gotten if not just desserts then at least a predictable result from his specific dysfunction.
He’s arrogant, distrustful of ‘experts,’ and has delusions of grandeur. All these things have led him to embrace crazy pseudoscience, and apparently that part of his shtick wasn’t just shtick.
I wouldn’t wish what he’s suffering on anyone, but better that it happen to him than some 18 year old kid sucked into a Youtube vortex.
I wish someone (him, his followers, anyone) would learn a lesson from this, but nobody learns lessons in 2020. We just repeat the same dysfunctional patterns over and over until we die.