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This third rate B-movie show


It turns out that Brian Kolfage’s recently completed section of the privately-funded border wall section was only mostly built on private property.

Since Monday, a gate in Kolfage’s border wall has been locked in place by the International Boundary and Water Commission. In response, Kolfage has urged his followers to call the IBWC and demand they “#CloseTheGate.”

The IBWC, a binational commission that administers border and water rules between the United and Mexico, doesn’t have an issue with Kolfage’s wall as long as it’s built on private property, according to spokeswoman Lori Kuczmanski.

At the start of the month, though, Kolfage’s group built a gate that crosses over federal land, despite not obtaining the necessary permits. The gate blocks access to both a boundary market and prevents IBWC employees from doing maintenance work on a nearby flood plain.

“They’ve essentially locked us out of our own property,” Kuczmanski said.

Naturally Kolfage responded to the consequences of his fuck up by screaming about foreigners and siccing his fellow xenophobes on the IBWC, including the commissioner, who was appointed by Trump.

Since then, Kuczmanski says the IBWC has been besieged with hundreds of angry calls from Kolfage supporters accusing them of keeping the gate open for immigrants.

“We don’t have social media, so there’s no way for me to reply to all that,” Kuczmanski said.

I took a peek at the #ClosetheGate hash tag on Twitter. Here’s a quick summary of the comments:
1. You’re dirty liberal pushing the government’s agenda to let scary foreign mother rapers and father stabbers into the country.
2. Get your damned dirty government hands off the wall I paid for, you government worker.
3. I’m a veteran. I don’t understand the concept of shared borders and am probably a dick to my neighbors, but I’m a veteran.
4. Nyar nyar Soros liberals Hitlery nyar!

You know. The usual.

Who knows how this will shake out. The only sure thing is that Kolfage will use this as an opportunity to hit up the rubes for more money.

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