You Are The Sucker, Fox News Division
A bunch of people were sold a bill of goods by the host of a white nationalist show on Trump’s personal propaganda network:
One last point on the Tucker Carlson protest, you don't wanna believe the protestors, why not go with the police version of events?
Cause there is a police report.
I'm gonna say that's a more reliable source than Mr. Carlson.
And it completely contradicts him.
Here goes.
— Rebecca J. Kavanagh (@DrRJKavanagh) November 11, 2018
The whole thread is worth reading. More here.
It just amazes me how many CAMPUS PC IS OUT OF CONTROL tut-tutters took Carlson’s version of events at face value. Time for another reminder:
The raspberry road that led to Abu Ghraib was paved with bland assumptions that people who had repeatedly proved their untrustworthiness, could be trusted. There is much made by people who long for the days of their fourth form debating society about the fallacy of “argumentum ad hominem”. There is, as I have mentioned in the past, no fancy Latin term for the fallacy of “giving known liars the benefit of the doubt”, but it is in my view a much greater source of avoidable error in the world.