What We Think Works to Protest Trump Might Not Work

I hate these Cleetus safaris too, but I’m also not surprised that regular folks would see Congressional Democrats protesting Trump last night and think it looks bad for Democrats. This is why I slightly disagree with Comrade Campos’ thoughts about the Democrats’ response to the speech. Not because I think he is wrong on the merits–he’s absolutely right on that front. But because I don’t see a lot of evidence that the idiots you have to convince to vote for Democrats are ever going to be willing to listen to the truth about Trump, at least not until it really hits them in the pocketbook. The truth of the matter is that everything that outrages liberals, from USAID to Ukraine to the EPA, has basically no political constituency outside of us. We might make up a good strong 45% of the voting public, but my god if getting that additional 6% is not hard as hell.
I dunno what to do either. The basic problem seems to be that not responding infuriates actual Democrats but responding infuriates the Ariana Grande voters.