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Shoring up America’s vital white people reserve

A big pile of styrofoam mannequin heads.
Unsplash – Brian Marco

The question “Why Greenland?” has become “Why Greenland and Canada?” And has the same answer as “Why offer white South African farmers fast-track U.S. citizenship?”

The answer is, Donald Trump is the ne plus ultra of U.S. white supremacism: An astoundingly ignorant, constantly enraged putz.

I’m sure we’re all aware that one of the things white supremacists like to scream about is the population. One day the number of people defined as white in the U.S. will be less than the number of people who aren’t.

A normal person wouldn’t worry about it at all. A supreme white supremacist would both worry and come up with cunning plans like get some more white people by grunting and grumbling until someone delivers a country-load of them.

Yes, I know and you know that neither of those countries are pure white. I don’t even know how Denmark/Greenland and Canada define various races, but you will have noticed that he isn’t whining about making Mexico the 52nd state. I’m willing to bet Orangegoliant thinks both countries are all white and that’s that.

But one snag to this plan is no one is that into U.S., even the the Boers.

Talk shows and editorials in South Africa buzzed with talk of Mr. Trump’s executive order, and the possibility of even more U.S. sanctions. Many South Africans who’ve called into such shows have voiced confusion, as it seems there’s little interest in an offer of asylum in the U.S. — even among the leaders of the Afrikaans groups who have appealed to Mr. Trump for help.

“I think we the Afrikaners have been treated as a scapegoat and punching bag in this country for three decades, with political leaders chanting on stage at political rallies ‘kill the boer,’ so we are very grateful for someone like President Trump to acknowledge the 144 race laws in South Africa,” Ernest Roets, former head of policy at the Afrikaans organization Solidarity Movement, told CBS News.

He added, however, that he and many other Afrikaner leaders do not want to leave the country, and do not necessarily support the blanket sanctions being imposed by the Trump administration. He said there should be targeted sanctions against “specific leaders” who act against the South Africa’s constitution “by discriminating against the Afrikaner with racist laws.”

“Bu-but, we just want him to hurt the people we hate!” but in Dutch Afrikaans.

Please stay on-topic. The open thread post is right behind this one.

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