MuskTrump’s V.A. plots new interim final rule on abortion access.

The OMB dashboard is emptier than I’ve ever seen it, but that makes it easier to spot some of the fuckery that’s afoot. For example, the MuskTrump Administration has placed Biden’s interim final rule for Reproductive Health Services on the block.
As some of you may know, in the wake of Republicans torching abortion access, the Biden administration looked for various ways to shore it up. One of those ways was through an interim final rule “Reproductive Health Services” that was published by the Department of Veterans Affairs on 9/9/2022. The current IFR is at the link. Here’s the summary:
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) amends its medical regulations to remove the exclusion on abortion counseling and establish exceptions to the exclusion on abortions in the medical benefits package for veterans who receive care set forth in that package, and to remove the exclusion on abortion counseling and expand the exceptions to the exclusion on abortions for Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) beneficiaries.
The MuskTrump version of this rule isn’t available yet and should be published on the Federal Register when it is. But given that MuskTrump is busily firing anyone who makes them feel bad by knowing how to do things, they’ll probably wind up posting it in a crop of long Truthiness Social posts.
I assume everyone understands that whatever replacement the Republicans come up with will not protect access to abortion. The only question is how weird the perverts will get when they go to fuck it up. Are we talking:
- A quick wank under the desk, alone and with the office door locked? That would involve scribbling “Abortion bad” on a distressingly moist piece of paper and faxing it over to the Fed. Reg.
- Parading around the Executive Building dressed like Rev. Gary Aldridge when the family is away? That would involve digging into their fetid sack of transphobic garbage and declaring that in order to protect women as defined by from having their natural roles as baby-makers usurped they can’t have access to abortion, birth control or any role in the military above receptionist. CHAMPVA beneficiaries will be encouraged to reproduce with the mandatory viewing of Sloppy Drunk Hegseth’s Sexy Time videos.
Also, and perhaps it goes without saying, but do not search Rev. Gary Aldridge on a work computer.