Home / General / Kennedy isn’t out of touch, it’s the sick children who are wrong

Kennedy isn’t out of touch, it’s the sick children who are wrong


There are plenty of very loud and evil Republicans, but let’s not overlook the quieter ones. Like Robert Fuckhim Kennedy, Jr., who sits there like an overdone loaf of challah bread muttering lies that spread harm because his ego demands it (sign up might be required), I guess.

Kennedy praised the two doctors for treating more than 100 patients in the current outbreak,

Hold on. I’m not a math whiz but I think there’s something amiss here. The interview aired on March 4. As of February 25, Texas had reported 124 confirmed cases. So this abandoned catcher’s mitt looking crackpot claimed that two physicians had treated almost all of the confirmed cases of measles in the state.

With stats like that I’d wonder if they were the ones generating the disease.

By the way, Bartlett’s name might ring a faint bell. Old Budesonide Bartlett they call him. Ew. Gross. Exactly who you’d turn to to treat a sick child. If you stood to inherit money when the patient died.

Kennedy continued:

claiming that they are seeing “very, very good results” from the steroid budesonide, the antibiotic clarithromycin, and cod liver oil, which has high concentrations of vitamins A and D.

The vast majority of measles cases in Texas at that time were “treated” using methods that don’t do squat for measles, claimed MuskTrump‘s head of the U.S. Health & Human Services.

He described the treatments as delivering “almost miraculous and instantaneous” recoveries.

Obviously it is disgusting and wrong for the HHS secretary to play toad-eater for two former medical school students, and his actions are hurting more children (NYT).

One of those supplements is cod liver oil containing vitamin A, which Mr. Kennedy has promoted as a near miraculous cure for measles. Physicians at Covenant Children’s Hospital in Lubbock, Texas, say they’ve now treated a handful of unvaccinated children who were given so much vitamin A that they had signs of liver damage.

Some of them had received unsafe doses of cod liver oil and other vitamin A supplements for several weeks in an attempt to prevent a measles infection, said Dr. Summer Davies, who cares for acutely ill children at the hospital.

Expect the Undead Kennedy to respond to clear evidence that he’s making things worse by pestering more experts to find proof that children don’t even have livers.

In an opinion essay for The Washington Post on Tuesday afternoon, Kevin Griffis, who was until last week the communications director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote that he had resigned in part because of Mr. Kennedy’s handling of the outbreak.

“In my final weeks at the C.D.C., I watched as career infectious-disease experts were tasked with spending precious hours searching medical literature in vain for data to support Kennedy’s preferred treatments,” Mr. Griffis wrote.

Because he’s convinced he’s not wrong, it is the sick children who are harmed by quackery who are out of touch.

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