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Cybertruck panic

Flames rise from a Tesla Cybertruck after it exploded outside the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S., January 1, 2025 in this screengrab taken from a social media video. Alcides Antunes/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. THIS PICTURE WAS PROCESSED BY REUTERS TO ENHANCE QUALITY. AN UNPROCESSED VERSION HAS BEEN PROVIDED SEPARATELY. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

A friend tells me that that somebody in Austin is trying to sell a 2024 Cybertruck that cost the owner $135K with all the options for $75K, even though it only has 6500 miles on it. I looked around and there seems to be a flood of these monstrosities on the secondary market, many with massive discounts off the original sale price. Another friend notes that these things went from being shitty trucks to being shitty Nazi trucks, and that’s not great for resale value.

The related Facebook conversations feature a lot of mocking, along with warnings that anybody buying these things should expect to get their windows smashed, etc.

Tesla’s stock price is diving, which is delightful for two reasons:

(1) When the kind of sociopath who is sociopathic enough to achieve a net worth of $400 billion sees his net worth fall to $200 billion, he definitely doesn’t think “I have $200 billion.” He thinks “I was robbed of $200 billion by the Woke Mob ™.

(2) My understanding is that Tesla stock is collateral for pretty much all of Dunning Kruegerrand’s $45 billion Twitter purchase, and he could actually end up in some real financial trouble, at least in terms of how these freaks define such things, if Tesla tanks completely.

I’m currently investing in popcorn futures.

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