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Trump/Vance: fuck the blue


A very useful reminder of what the 1/6 seditionists whose sentences Trump commuted or pardoned actually did:

David Dempsey was convicted of repeatedly assaulting police officers with pepper spray, a metal crutch and wooden and metal poles. “For over one hour, defendant David Dempsey viciously assaulted and injured police officers,” federal prosecutors wrote. Metropolitan Police Department Detective Phuson Nguyen testified that after Dempsey pepper sprayed him, he was knocked down, and “I thought that’s, you know, where I’m going to die. And in my head, you know, I was thinking about my family at that point before anything else.” Dempsey was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Julian Khater pleaded guilty to pepper spraying Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick in the face. Later that night, Sicknick collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. He died the following day. According to the Washington, D.C. medical examiner, Sicknick’s death was due to “natural causes” — two strokes — but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.” Sicknick’s mother, Gladys, spoke at Khater’s sentencing hearing. “Lawlessness, misplaced loyalty to a deranged autocratic ideal, and hate killed my son,” she told the court. “And I hope you are haunted by your crimes behind bars. Whatever jail time you receive is not enough in my eyes.” Khater was sentenced to more than six years in prison.

Christian Matthew Manley pleaded guilty to assaulting police with two cans of bear spray, and throwing an empty canister at officers. Manley then threw a metal rod at officers. Federal judge Tanya Chutkan told Manley at his sentencing hearing that, “there has to be an understanding that participating, taking up arms against law enforcement, taking up arms to basically try and overthrow the government, is going to be met with severe punishment.” Manley was sentenced to more than four years in prison.

Patrick Edward McCaughey III was convicted of using a police riot shield to “crush” Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges in a metal doorframe, leaving Hodges trapped, bleeding and crying for help from his fellow officers. “If I was there much longer being assaulted in such a way, I knew that it was very likely I wouldn’t be able to maintain my consciousness,” Hodges testified. “Your actions on January 6 were some of the most egregious crimes that were committed that day,” federal judge Trevor McFadden told McCaughey before sentencing him to more than seven years in prison.

Ryan Nichols pleaded guilty to pepper spraying police officers and urging rioters through a bullhorn to storm the building. “This is not a peaceful protest,” he yelled, according to prosecutors. “If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon!” Later that night, Nichols recorded a video of himself calling for a second American Revolution and stating, “if you want to know where Ryan Nichols stands, Ryan Nichols stands for violence.” Nichols was sentenced to more than five years in prison.

Christopher Quaglin was convicted at trial of “viciously assaulting police officers for hours,” according to federal prosecutors. “On at least a dozen occasions, Quaglin stood face-to-face with officers as he screamed at, pushed with outstretched arms, punched, swatted, and

slapped officers; pushed bike racks into officers; and even choked one officer to the ground,” prosecutors stated. Quaglin was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Daniel Rodriguez pleaded guilty to using a stun gun and “plunging it” multiple times into a police officer Michael Fanone’s neck, in the words of prosecutors, leading Fanone to scream out in pain. “During those moments, I remember thinking that there was a very good chance that I would be torn apart or be shot to death with my own weapon,” Fanone testified to Congress. Rodriguez was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison.

Peter Schwartz was convicted of stealing pepper spray from police officers, distributing the canisters to other rioters and “indiscriminately” spraying law enforcement, according to prosecutors. Court documents from the Justice Department described him as a “a welder by trade and a felon who has racked up numerous convictions for drugs, weapons, and violence over the last three decades.” The day after the riot, he allegedly posted on Facebook, “What happened yesterday was the opening of a war. I was there and whether people will acknowledge it or not we are now at war.” Schwartz was sentenced to more than 14 years in prison.

And let’s be clear — the vast majority of elite Republicans are completely fine with pardoning people who used violence to try to steal an election.

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