Home / General / Joe Biden engages in empty gesture after doing nothing regarding issue for the first 99.79% of his administration

Joe Biden engages in empty gesture after doing nothing regarding issue for the first 99.79% of his administration


President Biden on Friday declared that he considers the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution is “the law of the land,” a surprising declaration that does not have any formal force of effect, but that is being celebrated by its backers, who plan to rally today in front of the National Archives.

The amendment would need to be formally published or certified to come into effect by the National Archivist, Colleen Shogan — and when or if that will happen is unclear.

The executive branch doesn’t have a direct role in the amendment process, and Biden is not going to order the archivist to certify and publish the ERA, the White House told reporters on a conference call. A senior administration official said that the archivist’s role is “purely ministerial” in nature, meaning that the archivist is required to publish the amendment once it is ratified.

This is a statement of Joe Biden’s personal opinion regarding the matter. He’s not even directing the National Archivist to add it to the Constitution. I’m trying to imagine a more meaningless presidential gesture and coming up empty.

There are no doubts about whether this kind of thing will “work,” because it doesn’t do anything.

Biden could have directed the DOJ to actually litigate this issue while he was in control of the federal government. That would have been something. This is nothing. It’s less than nothing because a pathetically empty gesture is worse than none at all.

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