Who are you going to believe: Scientists, or this Mom who has done her own research?

I recommend budgeting four minutes and forty seconds to watch this clip about the woman who founded Moms Across America, which is an organization dedicated to various purity obsessions that have no basis in science, but which are now the backbone of among other things the anti-vax movement in America.
My favorite bit is where she says that if RFK Jr. is able to implement his plans to clean up our polluted food chain, “we won’t even need health care,” because “we won’t be going to the doctors, because we won’t be sick.”
These lunatics believe that vaccines weaken an immune system that would be perfectly adequate to ward off all diseases if people just ate the right foods. Indeed they attribute all sickness to peoples’ failure to engage in their particular types of food fetishism. (At least the authors of Leviticus didn’t claim to be peer reviewed).
And of course the patron saint of all this nonsense about to become the head of the federal government’s health care bureaucracy.