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That’s just nitpicking


I read through this entire exploration of the views of the Common Clay of the New West in re their preferred presidential candidate, and now you’re going to do so as well (Seven Days).

Just a few appetizers before you dive into the McRibs Basted in a Jalapeno Pesto Popper Sauce ™:

Erich,23, white, New Jersey, lacrosse coach

This is only my third election I’m voting in. You see the difference in what he was able to accomplish in his four years, as opposed to what happened these past four. He runs this country like a business. And to some extent, that’s what you have to do, because the more money that we make, the more it’s going to benefit us. I think it’s tough for some people to see that, because of the brash side of him.

Seneca,28, white, Arizona, charge specialist

I voted for him because I thought he was really smart and really good with money. And then also health care. I think it’s really cool that he’s going to take on fighting the big health care corporations that are charging insane amounts and hopefully get that under control.

What’s one word that describes how you see Donald Trump today?

Ashley,31, white, Missouri, customer service


Brandon,48, white, North Carolina, food industry


Mary,50, Asian, Wyoming, assistant

Common sense.

Kenneth,62, Black, California, truck driver


Direnda,66, white, Kentucky, house cleaner

I feel optimistic about him.

Erich,23, white, New Jersey, lacrosse coach


Nicholas,20, white, New York, driver

I was about to say the same thing.

Ashley,31, white, Missouri, customer service

At the end of these four years, we will have hopefully avoided World War III. Our food’s going to be healthier, not so many chemicals, because they’ll all be gone. Housing prices have hopefully gone down by then, more jobs here, corporate jobs here, manufacturing jobs here.

Always with the chemicals with these people. Children’s ice cream, Mandrake!

What is the difference between politics and basketball?

This is the difference between politics and basketball.

If I get into a free throw shooting contest with Steph Curry and he swishes 20 in a row, and I shoot four air balls, and six bricks that clang off the rim, and three that come pretty close, along with the seven free throws that go in, my opinions on free throw shooting form and execution are generally understood to not be as valuable as Steph Curry’s.

Because there’s a scoreboard.

Moderator, Patrick Healy

If there’s one thing you could change about America today, to improve our future, what would it be?

Nicholas,20, white, New York, driver

Stop criticizing people for their political opinions.

The idea of America moving on from politics and being more united than it seems was a core idea for many in the group. They said they were tired of being criticized for holding conservative or contrary opinions and thought a lot of other Americans were, too. What may unite us in the end? “Eventually, everybody’s going to get tired of nitpicking,” said Julie, a 65-year-old Republican from Maryland.

[Mike drop]

I will say that this kind of thing does cheer me up in a perverse but real way, in that it drives home the extent to which the Ariana Grande Theory of Politics is valid. Huge swaths of the populace are ignorant morons rather than literal Nazis. So that’s the good news . . .

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