In-person, early for the general, in-person, Election Day for the primary (LGM survey results)
There were 1,043 responses to the voting survey when I pulled the following charts and posted them here for your consideration and stuff. (Once I fix the frigging images. Ok, fixed.) I’m going to shut down the survey, but I haven’t seen any major changes to these percentages for the past couple of hours.
Other = 1.2%
If you’re looking around for reasons that this country has gone to shit, remember to include this modern-day poll tax.
This is better than I expected, but it should be 100% Yes.
I do have another question based on a couple of comments: Does anyone who votes in person still stick their ballot in a box? My state has been using scanners for so many elections that I can’t remember what it used before. I don’t remember putting a ballot in a box for in-person voting.