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Nine years in prison for supporting Donald Trump


Tina Peters believed Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, and as a result she was just sentenced to nine years in prison. I recommend watching this video of the sentencing hearing, in which the judge lays out why he’s doing what he’s doing with exemplary clarity:


It’s a tribute to the cognitive dissonance that’s central to American politics at the moment that this woman is, in the estimation of Donald Trump and therefore the entire Republican party, a political prisoner who is being persecuted by the criminal justice system for trying to expose the theft of the 2020 presidential election, although oddly not of the election of the Senate held at the same time, which seems like a serious oversight on the part of the (((conspirators))).

Again, the legacy media need to pretend that what is happening in this country isn’t happening, because what’s happening — a seditious traitor is trying to retake the office that he tried to stay in via seditious treason — isn’t the kind of news that’s fit to print.

If you only have time for 27 seconds of schadenfreude:

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