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Kamala Harris is a good candidate


After a slow start in this respect, Harris has been doing more interviews with a variety of outlets recently. Which is a good thing, not because she owes any media outlet anything or because the complaints about her interview volume were being made in good faith, but because she’s very good at them. Her lengthy podcast with Alex Cooper has deservedly gotten a lot of attention and doing substantive interviews with non-traditional outlets is a great idea. But she also did a great job today dealing with a hostile Fox News bingo caller today:

Baier gets so desperately sweaty as he fails to knock her off her game while constantly talking over her answers that you expect Richard Roma to walk in and ask to be put on the Cadillac board. It’s very effective, particularly since one of the pure-projection arguments the Trump campaign is closing with is “Harris is a huge dumb-dumb.” It’s going to be hard to make that fly, especially when your candidate is closing rallies by shuffling around in a daze while the DJ cues up Tales from Topographic Oceans.

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