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Call Her Daddy


I had not heard of “Call Her Daddy” until a day or two ago. More women listen to it than any other podcast. They are mostly young.

It’s been described as  “raunchy, “sex-positive,” and “mega-popular.” You probably know by now that Kamala Harris was interviewed on it yesterday.

The host, Alex Cooper, began the interview with an apology that the show doesn’t usually do politics. But there was Harris.

Their talk seems to have centered on reproductive rights. “It’s not the 1950s any more,” said Harris. CNN has a summary that puts Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s preferences for childbearing up front. It’s going to take a while for our media to learn.

Once you get past that (“a whole lot of women out here, who have a lot of love in their life, family in their life and children in their life, and I think it’s very important for women to lift each other up” said Harris), there are a lot of good quotes from Harris in the article.

I didn’t listen to the podcast. Seems like a good thing for Harris to talk to an audience of young women, who have had relatively low voter turnout in the past. Harris will do interviews this week with Univision, Howard Stern, The View, Stephen Colbert, and 60 Minutes. Donald Trump chickened out of a 60 minutes interview because they wanted to do fact-checking. They traditionally interview both presidential candidates.

Eat your heart out, A. G. Sulzberger!

Here’s the Spotify channel and YouTube:

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