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The Equinox Kittens At Six Months


Today is the six-month birthday of the Equinox Kittens. They were born from different mothers on March 21 and fostered together. They came to live with me when they were eight weeks old.

Luca and Jose two days after coming to live with me.
Luca and Jose this week.

Their eye color is stabilizing: gold for Luca and greeny-gold for Jose. Jose’s adult teeth are coming in, and I think Luca’s may be, but I haven’t gotten a good look. Jose has a close, compact coat. Luca’s coat is very soft and may turn out to be long. His tail is extremely long and medium fluffy, even longer than Zooey’s.

Luca and tail.

Neither of them meows yet. Jose is working on it, definitely the more talkative of the two.

All three cats get along well. I got two kittens so that they could play with each other and not bother Zooey (ten years old) so much. Zooey likes to play with them. “I’ll run and you chase me” is an ever-popular game for all three. A certain amount of wrestling also goes on. Zooey is careful with the kittens and attacks mostly their tails. When the kittens get too annoying, Zooey swats them and hisses if necessary. He is very indulgent and even lets them steal his food. Sometimes I wish he would be more assertive.

Zooey is the one behind the hamper.

Zooey is about 13 pounds, and the kittens must be between 7 and 8. When they got their last shots about a month ago, they were 6 pounds each.

Jose tends to focus on me and Luca on Zooey. Both kittens would run to watch Zooey eat or use the box, but now not so much. Only his scratching on the many cardboard scratching boards around the house (which he has always regarded as an art form) now demands their attention. I am trying to encourage Luca to sit on my lap more.

It’s all working out very well.

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