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Here’s a story of some Big Ls for a man named Jed


RFK & Rubenfeld’s legal raftucking campaign got some appropriate responses today, finally:

The Wisconsin suit was particularly dangerous, making the defeat of the Republican majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Courts one of the most important Dem victories of the last four years. There’s more to be said here but one thing to note is that it is absolutely disgraceful misconduct for Rubenfeld to 1)file lawsuits based on arguments he knows to be wrong, 2)that contradict (also wrong but different) arguments he is making in other jurisdictions, 3)in order to create chaos and subvert fair elections, 4)in order to help Donald Trump and his wife’s evil protege. He has no more business having a license to practice law than John Eastman at this point.

How Rubenfeld came to be RFK’s own personal Sidney Powell is an interesting one — perhaps New York magazine has a star reporter who could look into this? Or perhaps not.

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