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A couple of fan notes


Michigan is playing Texas in concussion ball (Now Featuring More Than Company Scrip Comp for the Players So That’s Nice) in a couple of hours, and this is a big game for me because I’m sort of into Michigan football plus my l mom went to Texas so it’s always been my second favorite team, and this is only the second time the two teams have ever played each other, despite being first and fourth all-time in college football victories (what a stupid sport).

The two notes are:

(1) Matthew McConaughey is going to be on the Texas sideline as he always is for big games, which I no doubt will find annoying after the fifth Taylor Swift-style glimpse of him, but on the other hand I think it’s pretty cool that this pretty boy-surprisingly turned really good actor as his career has gone along is, despite his extremely high cool factor, just as big of a dork as the rest of us unhinged fans when it comes to his favorite team.

(2) A friend of mine lives near Willow Run Airport, which is the closest airport to Ann Arbor where you can land private jets, and there has been a continual stream of them landing all morning, as the Texas money comes in to watch the Longhorns. It strikes me that this is perfect illustration of how wildly indefensible the way we live now is, but apparently there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, which means it’s OK (maybe?) to just enjoy the game for what it is, along with the sushi I’ll have tonight in Denver which was bought at the Tokyo fish market this morning (Tokyo time anyway).

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