The exciting new Republican populism

Let’s check in on how that post-Dobbs pivot to social democracy is going:
Senate Republicans blocked legislation Thursday to cut taxes for working families and extend some corporate tax breaks, dooming a bipartisan compromise that the House had overwhelmingly approved and raising the stakes on taxes for this fall’s elections.
The $79 billion legislation would have expanded eligibility for the child tax credit, or CTC, among the lowest-income families and adjusted payments for inflation for the 2024 and 2025 filing years.
I bet scourge of childless cat ladies J.D. Vance is furious at this refusal to pass family-friendly policy:
Democrats have leveled a pointed attack at Vance over these issues, repeatedly calling him “weird.” He missed Thursday’s vote for a campaign event in Arizona and earlier in the week falsely accused Vice President Harris of opposing the child tax credit. The vice president supports the legislation, and the Biden administration issued a statement Thursday urging passage.
A liar, a chickenshit, and a fraud — that’s the J.D. Vance story.