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Teamsters Dissension


The entire labor movement is furious at that thuggish idiot, Teamsters head Sean O’Brien, for slobbering all over Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. I’ve talked to people in the Teamsters who describe O’Brien in the worst possible terms, including surrounding himself with known violent criminals as security. O’Brien has pointedly not been invited to speak at the DNC, though many other labor leaders have. Moreover, this has caused a ton of dissension within the Teamsters, and while Teamsters dissension is hardly an unknown thing, it’s striking that the Teamsters National Black Caucus has openly revolted against O’Brien and has come out to strongly support Kamala Harris.

Vice President Kamala Harris has won the endorsement of the National Black Caucus of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters — even as the larger union withholds its endorsement.

Caucus members voted unanimously Tuesday to endorse Harris at a conference in Las Vegas. Publicly backing Harris risks pushback in a union with a history of retaliation.

The caucusknown as TNBC, praised Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz for their “unwavering commitment to workers and their families” in a statement released after the vote.

“Their records reflect a deep dedication to advancing labor rights and supporting working-class Americans,” it said.

Labor organizations rushed to support Harris after President Joe Biden withdrew from the race. But the Teamsters have been a notable hold out.

President Sean O’Brien said the union plans to endorse a presidential candidate after both conventions and has invited all the candidates to sit for interviews. Harris, who was invited last month when she became the presidential candidate, has not yet had her interview.

TNBC Chair James Curbeam said in the statement that the caucus based its decision on former President Donald Trump’s actions over both his career in politics and business.

In recent days, O’Brien has been shocked (shocked I tell you!) that Trump said such bad things about firing strikers in his interview with Elon Musk. Gee, if only there were four years of evidence about Trump’s labor policies! If only we could see who he might name as Secretary of Labor, such as the son of Antonin Scalia! If only he didn’t brag about screwing workers over in his projects for decades!!! But Trump makes the white men of the Teamsters feel so manly and white! Personally, I don’t think the Teamsters will endorse as a union because I can’t see O’Brien actually endorsing Trump and he is too pissed at the Democrats not paying him the attention he wants to endorse Harris. I could be wrong. In any case, I am glad O’Brien is being isolated within the labor movement for his actions.

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