Home / General / RFK dropping out of presidential race Friday; will probably endorse Trump

RFK dropping out of presidential race Friday; will probably endorse Trump


He’s planning to do so during an “address to the nation,” which is just a little bit presumptuous. I wonder what percentage of Americans could successfully identify him with any real degree of accuracy, despite the very big clue provided by his name?

Apparently he’s angling for either AG or HHS for his petit cadeau. There’s no way he gets AG, as even Trump understands that’s an important job that requires somebody considerably less clownish than America’s most deplorable failson.

HHS would be pretty much perfect, though, given that anti-vax craziness is now almost as important in the Trumpist universe as white supremacy.

At this point I literally cant even contemplate the possibility that Trump actually wins, although of course I realize it still remains very possible. As in the case of nuclear war, the unthinkable is not by any means the undoable.

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