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Reappoint Julie Su

Washington, DC – United States Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie A. Su .***Official Department of Labor Photograph***.Photographs taken by the federal government are generally part of the public domain and may be used, copied and distributed without permission. Unless otherwise noted, photos posted here may be used without the prior permission of the U.S. Department of Labor. Such materials, however, may not be used in a manner that imply any official affiliation with or endorsement of your company, website or publication.. .Photo Credit: Department of Labor.Shawn T Moore

I very much hope that if Harris wins in November that she will reappoint anyone in the Biden administration who wants to stay around. If Republicans win the Senate, that becomes even more important and I think a lot of people would stick around. There’s no way for instance that someone as good as Lina Khan is going to lead the FTC even if Democrats have a slim Senate majority. Meanwhile, Biden has not been able to get a confirmation of Julie Su as Secretary of Labor because her aggressive attacks on ridesharing companies in California has made her powerful enemies even within the wealthy side of the Democratic Party. Biden has done the right thing here–simply ignore the Senate and have her work functionally as Secretary of Labor and not nominate anyone else. It’s unfair to Su, but it’s good for American workers and Su is a real trooper. I very much hope that Harris renominates her. In any case, here’s part of Su’s Labor Day message to American workers.

“Each Labor Day, our nation honors the hardworking people whose dedication and sacrifice helped build this great nation. Workers who – with the support of organized labor – fought for fair wages and benefits, safer working conditions, and the dignity and respect every worker deserves. 

“The Biden-Harris administration knows America’s workers are our country’s backbone and the core that empowers the successes our nation has achieved. These are the people who fuel our economy, strengthen our communities and help ensure our security. 

“With the historic investments made since 2021, we are building our country’s future. Creating good jobs for all, especially those who have been left behind in the past. By expanding overtime protections, safeguarding retirement savings and benefit plans, and ensuring federal labor laws are enforced fairly, the Department of Labor is committed to building an economy that leads the world and gives everyone a chance to succeed. 

Anyone who really cares about American workers knows that Joe Biden needed to step away from the nomination, despite and because of the fact that he was so great on labor issues compared to other presidents. The reason for that is if Trump wins–and Trump might beat Harris but he was kicking Biden’s ass, as Sherrod Brown and Jack Reed knew. So if you want to keep those wins and maybe get more wins, you have to have a Democratic win. Even if Harris doesn’t feel labor in the same way that Biden does, she knows who butters her bread in terms of grassroots support.

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