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JD Vance: Rape is “inconvenient” for “society”


I would recommend listening to the audio of Peter Thiel’s Ask Jeeves discussing why rape victims should be forced by the state to carry pregnancies to term, as the smarmy misogyny is even more chilling than it appears on the transcript:

At both ends of the discussion, a woman’s rights and health and bodily integrity are given no weight whatsoever; even with respect to the rape itself the “inconvenienced” victim is not the woman herself.

The media is always desperate to assume that Republicans are secret moderates on abortion, no matter what they say or what they enact into law — remember the pathetic the-doctor-must-be-lying reaction to Ohio forbidding a 12-year-old rape victim from getting an abortion? Between being a louche playboy who has probably paid for more abortions than he can count* and his instinctive understanding that draconian abortion bans are a political loser, Trump provides anyone who wants one with an excuse to say that Republicans don’t really Mean It. Vance, who spent years building up cred among groypers after pretending to be a moderate to sell books for a year or two, blows up the con. He clearly Means It in both content and tone. And this is the kind of psycho who will be in charge of abortion policy in the executive and judicial branches if Trump wins.

*well, promised to pay for abortions and then reneged, but you can see what I’m driving at.

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