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Emergency Alert: Centrist pundits retreat to the fainting couches immediately


And remember I said fainting, not anything else if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, and his subsequent administration, were governed largely by the when they go low we go high ethos: Biden rarely even mentioned Trump by name, and basically never descended into the puerile swamp of trading schoolyard insults with the world’s most sensitive and whiny man.

To which I say: Thank God that’s over with now.

Harris and Walz are clearly of the view that the way to deal with this pig is to stick him until he squeals, and then do it some more.*

*Apologies to pigs, which unlike Donald Trump are intelligent and useful creatures, for hijacking their admirable species for metaphorical purposes. Also to our vegetarian and vegan readers, especially since I’m eating a pulled pork sandwich at this very moment, which I would feel guilty about except it’s just so gol darn tasty.

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