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Donald Trump’s pathetic fantasy life


I’m not dismissing the tremendous attractiveness of revenant fascistic ethno-nationalism to a America’s aging and increasingly paranoid white population. That factor helps explain the otherwise astounding fact that Trump got 63 million votes for president in 2016, and then 74 million four years later.

But people are going to start voting for president just seven weeks from now in several states, and I think Trump is going down hard. Yes he has a floor of support that almost literally nothing can move, but his ceiling is about one Malkovich unit above that. And people outside his base of losers, cheaters, six-time users are just sick of the guy, because his act is stale and boring and not even vaguely amusing any more, which is a much worse sin in our infotainment culture than trying to overthrow the government or sell it off to rapacious plutocrats.

This is the deranged ranting of a man who knows he’s losing, and is beginning to fear a massive public humiliation, which is the one thing that a narcissist as florid as Trump truly can’t abide. The Precious was practically in his grasp again, before it was snatched away at by the nasty Harris woman, a tricksy cheater, so cruel to poor Donald, who only wants what belongs to him before she stole it, yes stole it, so unfair, gollum.

We hates it forever!

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