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Ann, punch me in the face


Some of the rare people who could make even a fictional Larry Summers look sympathetic are upset that Kamala Harris isn’t attending PonziFest ’24 even virtually:

Needless to say, the Winklevii are huge Trump supporters for very good reason:

And the crypto industry has reacted in much the same way as fossil fuel industries after Democrats began to take environmental concerns seriously: by throwing their support overwhelmingly behind Republicans. They seem to be getting results: As I wrote the other day, the 2024 G.O.P. platform says “Republicans will end Democrats’ unlawful and unAmerican Crypto crackdown” — by which they mean, stop regulators from treating crypto assets and institutions the same way they treat stocks and banks. Trump has promised to turn America into a “Bitcoin superpower,” which apparently means having the government buy a lot of Bitcoin.

All of which raises the disturbing prospect that an industry initially driven, seemingly, by libertarian instincts but which has never delivered on its economic promises will nonetheless be able to buy itself a huge government bailout.

Maybe try that Brooks Brothers franchise instead.

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