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Abortion rights on the ballot in Arizona


This is very important both substantively and politically:

Arizona voters will get to decide in November whether to add the right to an abortion to the state constitution.

The Arizona secretary of state’s office said Monday that it had certified 577,971 signatures — far above the required number that the coalition supporting the ballot measure had to submit in order to put the question before voters.

The coalition, Arizona for Abortion Access, said it is the most signatures validated for a citizens initiative in state history.

“This is a huge win for Arizona voters who will now get to vote YES on restoring and protecting the right to access abortion care, free from political interference, once and for all,” campaign manager Cheryl Bruce said in a statement.

Democrats have made abortion rights a central message since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 — and it is a key part of their efforts in this year’s elections.

One issue for Harris that some people may not have internalized is that Democrats are now the party with the most reliable voters, while Republicans are the party with more sporadic voters who show up for presidential elections (at least when Trump is on the ballot.) Reproductive rights initiatives are enormously important in themselves, and they also may help to mitigate the mobilization gap.

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