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You are the sucker


Peter Thiel’s own personal Gabbo decided to tell an uncomfortable truth:

There are several implications here:

  • As the public polling and other data like fundraising would indicate, internal Republican polls are presumably showing that Harris is a stronger candidate than Biden with more plausible paths to victory.
  • I dunno whether they were high on the supply of Thunderdome convention fantasies or what, but it’s bizarre how utterly unprepared the Trump campaign was to run against Harris, even though a quick run through of Game Theory 101 should have made it clear that the chances another candidate could assemble a majority coalition against Harris in three weeks were vanishingly small. They’re just completely flailing:

By the end of the week they should have a plan to run against Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand in place.

  • Interesting how Republicans clearly don’t think the Democratic Party’s campaign would have been strengthened by a month of thigh-rubbing DEMS IN DISARRAY stories while Kamala Harris and some other candidates to be named later do CNN panels with the cast of Sucker Punch and Stanley McChrystal. Almost as if nobody could actually believe that BEATING KAMALA HARRIS TO A BLOODY PULP TO SEE HOW SHE WOULD RESPOND WITH A BROKEN JAW while Republicans had weeks out of the spotlight to come up with a new campaign message would benefit the Harris rather than Trump campaign.
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