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Taking beating Trump seriously


As we have said, Joseph Robinette Biden deserves immense credit for putting the country above himself today. And I am grateful that unlike some of his to-the-bitter-end supporters he didn’t suddenly go Intellectual Dark Web about polling but took the need to put up the best fight against Trump seriously:

It wasn’t that the president had grown tired of the drip of defections from within his own party — although he had. Rather, it was that Biden himself was finally convinced of what so many other Democrats had come to believe since his poor debate performance last month: He couldn’t win.

When the campaign commissioned new battleground polling over the last week, it was the first time they had done surveys in some key states in more than two months, according to two people familiar with the surveys. And the numbers were grim, showing Biden not just trailing in all six critical swing states but collapsing in places like Virginia and New Mexico where Democrats had not planned on needing to spend massive resources to win.

Endorsing Harris to ensure that there wasn’t a chaotic Golden Bachelor faux-primary (which is always what was going to happen if Biden stepped down) is consistent with this as well. And in addition to AOC, Gavin Newsom and Josh Shapiro (among countless others) have endorsed Harris. This is completely over.

The most effective Democratic politician of the last 40 years was similarly focused on the importance of beating Trump:

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.”

In closely related news, there is a Florida man drowning in his own flop sweat right now:

If sure the Hunter Biden research oppo Republicans have spent 5 years assembling will come in handy, though!

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