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The Old Man


I didn’t watch the stupid debate, but I gather from the entire world that Biden seemed extremely old and very bad at this.

Well, what in the living hell did you expect going all-in behind a guy in his 80s?

Now look, I have no patience for the fantasies of various Ezras and Matts and Nates and Noahs about replacing Biden at the top of the ticket. There’s no way for that to happen, it’s not going to happen, and at this point, it shouldn’t happen.

What should have happened is Biden pledging to run for one term. Then we have an open primary with an esteemed senior Democrat ready to govern and then leave office in January 2025. There’s no Johnny Unbeatable out there, but an open primary would have set the Democrats up way, way better than they are now.

We are facing the possible end of democracy in this country and a not small part of the reason is that the Democratic gerontocracy simply will not give up control. Now we are stuck with it.

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