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Children’s ice cream Mandrake


Monica Crowley was Assistant Treasury Secretary for Public Affairs in the Trump Administration.

Here’s a video of her at today’s Faith & Freedom Coalition Congress, vigorously defending McCarthyism as a wholly justified attempt to defend America from “godless communism,” just as today we must be defended from China, (inscrutable, sneaky) “globalists” (((cough cough))), and Islamists (wrong God).

Besides vamping the paranoid style down the Fox News Blonde runway she’s also an academic and journalistic fraud because of course she is:

Crowley has been shown to have committed extensive plagiarism, which she has denied. In 1999, Crowley was accused of plagiarism related to a column on Richard Nixon she wrote for The Wall Street Journal[13] which contained “striking similarities” (according to the Journal) to a piece written 11 years earlier by Paul Johnson.[8][27] When contacted by The New York Times for comment, Crowley responded, “I did not, nor would I ever, use material from a source without citing it.”[27]

On January 7, 2017, CNN published a report documenting numerous instances of plagiarism in Crowley’s 2012 book, What the (Bleep) Just Happened? The book includes about 50 examples of copying freely from published sources with no attribution given, including from Wikipedia.[28] In a statement, the Trump transition team called the plagiarism report “nothing more than a politically motivated attack” and stood by her.[29]

Two days later, on January 9, 2017, Politico reported that a dozen additional instances of plagiarism were in Crowley’s 2000 Ph.D. dissertation on international relations at Columbia University.[8][30] In December 2019, an internal Columbia University investigation concluded that Crowley had engaged in “localized instances of plagiarism” but that the plagiarism did not meet the level of “research misconduct.”[31]

Peace on Earth. Purity of Essence.

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