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A Biden DOL or a Trump DOL

President Donald Trump and Amy Coney Barrett stand on the Blue Room Balcony after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas administered the Constitutional Oath to her on the South Lawn of the White House White House in Washington, Monday, Oct. 26, 2020. Barrett was confirmed to be a Supreme Court justice by the Senate earlier in the evening. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Joe Biden has been outstanding for organized labor, as I’ve stated on many occasions.

So what would the next Republican-led Department of Labor focus on?

Conservative policymakers influential with former president Donald Trump are discussing how to use a little-known labor law to impose sweeping restrictions on private-employer-covered abortions, according to a public statement and two people with direct knowledge of labor policy discussions among Trump advisers.

Although Trump has not formally committed to anything and talks are ongoing, the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has publicly called for using federal labor law to limit the ability of private employers to provide coverage that includes abortions in states with abortion restrictions.

Trump insiders have also discussed these ideas, according to one person with direct knowledge of the talks.

The proposed change could make it vastly more difficult for residents of states with abortion bans to obtain abortions by traveling out-of-state, legal experts say, even as out-of-state travel for abortions doubled between the first half of 2020 and the first half of 2023, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights.

The Heritage Foundation, which has been heavily involved in policy proposals for a Trump second term, has recommended that the Labor Department and Congress “should clarify” that federal labor regulations for employer-sponsored health-care plans “should not be allowed to trump states’ ability to protect innocent human life in the womb.”

A separate proposal being considered by Trump labor advisers would rescind a newfederal rule that takes effect this month requiring most U.S. employers to offer “reasonable accommodations” for their workers related to pregnancy and childbirth, including time off for abortions, according to one of the people with direct knowledge of labor policy discussions among Trump advisers.

Forcing private-employer insurance to exclude abortion coverage would have a “huge impact on women,” McCaman Taylor added, including “a chilling effect” on those seeking abortions even if they do not have employer-sponsored health care.

“These changes make people very fearful because the real-life consequences are potentially jail, and people losing their freedom, losing the ability to come home to their children at night,” McCaman Taylor said.

About half of companies with at least 200 employees cover some abortion services under health insurance plans, according to a 2023 survey of firms by KFF, a nonprofit health policy research organization.

In conclusion, both parties are the same.

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