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Those who can give to LGM, should. Those who can’t give can still help LGM.

Unsplash – Samuel Regan-Asante

It has come to my attention that this blog’s audience includes people who are what I would call “comfortable.” Not necessarily wealthy, but some of you never worry about whether you have enough money for food or other essentials. If your car breaks down it will be a pain in the ass, not a complete disaster that could result in you losing your job and the place you live. In fact, some of you own the place you live and that place is a place you enjoy living. Looxury!

And if you’re about to start in with how expensive it is to have three kids playing six different sports and taking four different kinds of music lessons, or your weekly date nights with the other of significance are at least $200, or well, you just had a charging station put in for your Honda Prologue and it was a little more than you expected … Spare us the grumble bragging, huh?

If you’re in this comfortable group of readers and you haven’t made, and don’t plan to make a donation on the blog’s 20th birthday, I don’t know what to say to you. How about “What’s your deal?” or “Booo.”

I bet you’re a lousy tipper, too.

And I suspect that there’s a subgroup of comfortable readers who are still anxious about money because once upon a time they were very not comfortable. And like any traumatic experience it is hard to shake off the effects of poverty, no matter what your bank balance and current circumstances say. So, you want to donate. One part of your mind knows you can afford to donate. But another part of your mind is saying “But what if something happens and you need that money and you don’t have it and then you dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????”

Ignore the voice. It means well but it’s still scared and wants you to be scared too. Also, no one is going to judge you based on the amount you donate. We don’t care. (And while I have your attention: For the love of all that is safe and sanitary, go to your fridge and dump all the bits and pieces you’ve been hanging on to “just in case.” Otherwise, something will gain sentience and start plotting to lay eggs in your ear. Take a baseball bat, just in case. And do the freezer, too. You’re never going to eat that, even if you could remember what it was without letting it thaw. You’re welcome.)

These links are for people who can afford to give.

And there are readers who don’t have the cash to spare. I hope no one in this position feels bad because we’re rattling the donation box like Cribbins all day and they can’t afford contribute. To be clear: The box doesn’t rattle for thee. It rattles for the skinflints who have the dough but won’t cough it up.

However, if you want a free way to help LGM, just spread the word about the blog. We can always use more readers. Let me rephrase that: We always need more readers. Not just for the revenue reader traffic brings, but as other front pagers have pointed out, we like to have people read our words. And speaking of words, the gang is all here today, regulars, irregulars, emeriti and AIiie. Don’t miss the opportunity to read their posts.

So, tell a friend/acquaintance/relative about LGM. Or tell two. Some people have two friends right? Mention the blog on your social medias. Link to it on wherever www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/.

You don’t need to restrict your recommendations to liberal-leaning folks. If you are still on voluntary speaking terms with a Republican tell them too. Not because it will make the veil fall from their eyes and turn them into decent people. We’re not miracle workers here. But every second they spend hate reading this blog is a second they don’t spend spreading lies on Facebook. Win/Win.

And if you haven’t already done so, please take the one question survey. Survey closed. Stay tuned for the final results.

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