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The are no moderate supporters of fascism


Your latest reminder that no matter what clueless red-brown types will tell you the plutocratic establishment loves Trump:

Stephen A. Schwarzman — chairman, CEO and co-founder of Blackstone, the private equity and real estate giant — tells Axios he will support Donald Trump as a “vote for change.”

Schwarzman said Friday that he plans to donate to Trump and various Republican Senate candidates.

Why it matters: The endorsement gives Trump access to a potent network of Republican donors Schwarzman has cultivated. Trump also could get a new look from some business leaders who have been reluctant to back him.

Schwarzman, billionaire and lifelong moderate Republican, was one of Trump’s most visible business supporters when he was in the White House.

But ahead of this year’s GOP primaries, Schwarzman called for “a new generation of leaders.” Schwarzman wound up not backing a primary candidate.

Axios is told Schwarzman’s concern about rising antisemitism sped his decision to re-embrace Trump, along with concerns about President Biden’s policies.

Curious how an alleged rise in anti-Semitism in 2024 caused him to back Trump in 2020, and Republicans the rest of his life before that! Almost as if this is a transparently ad hoc pretext! Also, “moderate” Republican my ass, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

There are plenty more billionaires for Trump where that came from, and contrary to the headline they generally haven’t “moved right.” Some of them just thought that Trump may not be the most politically effective means of getting them tax cuts, union busting, and deregulation after January 6, but fell in line quickly when it was obvious that he was. And obviously for your Peter Thiel types his threat to American democracy is a feature, not a bug.

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