Donald Trump assures potential supporters that the genuine anti-vaxx kook in the race is not RFK Jr.
Strange days indeed:
Friends, we now have ourselves a right-wing kook-off.
On Thursday, Trump shared a recorded rant against the independent candidate — a meandering mess of insults and admonition, in which he targeted Kennedy and anyone in the MAGA movement who may be considering voting for him due to his anti-vaccine conspiracism.
Despite Kennedy’s campaign being significantly funded, partly operated and at times widely promoted by right-wingers, Trump called him a “Democrat plant” put in place to help Biden win. And even with Kennedy’s various right-wing stances — such as his downplaying of the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection — Trump used his environmental activism, among other things, to try to portray Kennedy as an “extreme liberal.”
“Republicans, get it out of your mind that you’re going to vote for this guy because he’s conservative — he’s not,” Trump said at one point.
The former president even tried to downplay Kennedy’s anti-vaccine bona fides — “he said the other night that vaccines are fine … he’s all for them” — but the tirade only underscores Trump’s concern that vaccine opponents could abandon him in November.
It’s a delicious irony that Steve Bannon spent so much time and energy convincing America’s Biggest Loser Nepo Baby to enter to the race, to peel off some of that crucial swing vote.
I think I have an excellent idea who is going to vote for RFK Jr.: me when I was eight years old, at least before my mom talked some sense into me. We were having a mock presidential election at Thurston Elementary in the spring of 1968, and I was planning to vote for Nelson Rockefeller, for the sole reason that he had a glamorous name that I recognized. I told my mom this and she told me to vote for Eugene McCarthy instead. I asked her why. She said because he wants to end the war. I said OK that sounds good, and duly switched my political allegiance on the spot.
Ariana Grande would not be born for another 25 years.
This is pretty much still just pure vibes, but I think Biden is going to win the popular vote by about seven percentage points and 11 million ballots. And I know the Electoral College is screwed up, but it’s not that screwed up.
Yes to the Ariana Grande voters Biden is old and boring and somehow responsible for the fact that Amazon and Facebook and Twitter are now in their enshittification phases, plus my F-150 payment is $1400 per month and that’s not right.
But Trump is pretty much flat-out crazy at this point and not hiding it at all, despite the manful exertions of the media to obscure that fact as much as possible.
I think it’s going to be a blowout (By contemporary standards that is. Something like losing 52% to 44% is pretty much the absolute floor for any presidential candidate, given polarization plus the common clay of the West, the South etc.)