More Highlights of Republican Governance
This nation is openly Islamophobic, but any criticism of Israeli policy is obviously anti-Semitism if you are a Republican, or a couple of members of this comment section. This is nonsense, but there we have it. So yesterday, you have the show trial of the Columbia University president about anti-Semitism, one that showed about as much integrity as right-wing congresscritters realizing they could promote their own careers in 1950 by going after the leftists in Hollywood. This leads us to this line of questioning yesterday, from Rick Allen, a right-winger from Georgia.
Shafik was also quizzed on her knowledge of the Bible.
“Are you familiar with Genesis 12:3?” Rep. Rick Allen (R-Ga.) asked Shafik. “It was a covenant that God made with Abraham … If you bless Israel, I will bless you. If you curse Israel, I will curse you … Do you consider that a serious issue? I mean, do you want Columbia University to be cursed by God?”
“Definitely not,” Shafik said.
Allen discussed “lawless universities” and suggested the school should offer a course about the Bible and “kinda what will happen under the wrath of God.”
Rick Allen, the one-armed drummer of Def Leppard, would make a more competent member of Congress than this Rick Allen. At least he has something to be angry about, unlike this redneck peckerwood moron from some of Georgia’s most depressing areas.