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“An origami version of an El Camino”


Not surprisingly, the more hands-on Elon is in developing cars for Tesla the worse the product gets. The CYBERTRUCK has always been pure self-parody but it also has the problem of being an essentially undriveable piece of shit:

Some of the problems Tesla is facing — including first-quarter profits that are down 9 percent from last year, stressful months for shareholders and layoffs of about a tenth of its work force — are the result of factors affecting the electric vehicle industry as a whole. But many of Tesla’s troubles are unique to Tesla and the fact that its chief executive and co-founder, Elon Musk, is unique to the auto industry. He’s a Silicon Valley creature in a Detroit ecosystem who values innovation for its own sake, even at times when he could be more focused on safety and quality. His ethos and approach to running Tesla are embodied by his pet project, the Cybertruck.

Though it fits the technical definition of a truck (it has a bed), the vehicle looks more like an origami version of an El Camino. Mr. Musk suggested its stainless steel exterior might be bulletproof; some owners say it rusts.

A friend messaged me to say that “Incel Camino” is the nickname juste, which it certainly is.

It’s not unusual for new car and truck models to have some flaws, but the Cybertruck, which has sold only about 4,000 units, was recalled recently because the accelerator had a sticking problem, which is sort of like a parachute having a gaping-hole-in-the-canopy problem. Some owners have reportedly gotten an alert that the “vehicle may suddenly lose electrical power, steering and propulsion.” And you may want to watch your fingers with the frunk (front trunk) and doors; they don’t have industry standard sensors that can keep doors from snipping off someone’s digits. (The Cybertruck’s lead engineer said the steel doesn’t rust, and the company is working on the frunk issue.)

I would personally find assurances that they’re working on the hand-crushing issue less than entirely reassuring.

Anyway, if you want to buy a meme stock it’s your funeral but I personally would advise investors to keep their hands out of Elon’s proverbial mullet.

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